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Verb Agreement Respectively

Verb Agreement Respectively: A Guide for Writers

As a writer, you want your work to be polished, professional, and easy to read. One of the most important aspects of good writing is proper verb agreement. In this article, we will discuss verb agreement respectively, what it is, and how to use it correctly in your writing.

What is Verb Agreement Respectively?

Verb agreement respectively is the use of a different verb to agree with each of two or more subjects in a sentence. This is especially important when the subjects have different numbers or persons. For example:

– John and his sister are going to the beach.

– The teacher and his students were discussing the book.

– The cat and the dog are sleeping on the couch.

In each of these sentences, the verb agrees with both of the subjects. But what if the subjects are singular and plural, or first and third person? This is where verb agreement respectively comes in.

How to Use Verb Agreement Respectively

When you have two or more subjects that have different numbers or persons, you need to use a different verb for each subject. Here are some examples:

– The dog and the cats are sleeping on the couch. (plural subjects)

– John and I are going to the beach. (first and third person subjects)

– The teacher and her students were discussing the book. (singular and plural subjects)

Notice how each sentence uses a different verb for each subject. This is important for maintaining proper verb agreement and making your writing clear and easy to understand.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

One of the most common mistakes writers make is not paying attention to verb agreement respectively, especially when using compound subjects. Here are some examples of common mistakes to avoid:

– John and his sister is going to the beach. (should be “are going”)

– The teacher and their students were discussing the book. (should be “her students”)

– The cat and the dogs is sleeping on the couch. (should be “are sleeping”)

By paying attention to verb agreement respectively, you can avoid making these common mistakes and ensure your writing is clear and professional.


In conclusion, using verb agreement respectively is an important aspect of good writing. By using a different verb for each subject that has different numbers or persons, you can make your writing clear and easy to understand. Avoid common mistakes by paying attention to verb agreement respectively in your writing, and your work will be polished and professional.