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Tenancy Agreement Major Works

When it comes to renting a property, having a tenancy agreement in place can provide both the landlord and tenant with peace of mind. A tenancy agreement outlines the rights and responsibilities of both parties, and can help prevent disputes from arising during the duration of the tenancy.

One important aspect of a tenancy agreement is the provision for major works. Major works refer to any significant repairs or renovations that may need to be carried out on the property, such as fixing leaks, replacing the roof, or updating the plumbing and electrical systems.

Here are some key points to consider when it comes to tenancy agreement major works:

1. Who is responsible for major works?

In most cases, the landlord is responsible for major works on the property. However, it’s important to check the tenancy agreement to ensure that this is clearly stated. If the tenant is responsible for certain repairs or renovations, this should also be clearly outlined in the agreement.

2. What constitutes major works?

It’s important to define what constitutes major works in the tenancy agreement. This can help prevent disputes from arising over what repairs or renovations are considered major. For example, replacing a light bulb is not considered a major repair, while replacing the entire lighting system would be.

3. How are major works planned and executed?

The tenancy agreement should outline how major works will be planned and executed. This can include specifying how much notice the landlord must give before the works begin, and how long the works are expected to take. It’s also important to outline any provisions for alternative accommodation for the tenant if necessary.

4. How are major works funded?

The tenancy agreement should specify who is responsible for funding major works. In most cases, the landlord will be responsible for funding major repairs and renovations, but it’s important to check the agreement to ensure that this is clearly stated.

5. What happens in case of disagreement?

If a dispute arises over major works, the tenancy agreement should outline how these disputes will be resolved. This can include specifying the process for mediation or arbitration.

In conclusion, having a well-written tenancy agreement that includes provisions for major works can provide both landlords and tenants with peace of mind. By outlining the rights and responsibilities of both parties, and defining the scope and funding of major works, the agreement can help prevent disputes from arising during the tenancy.