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Trafford Housing Trust Tenancy Agreement

Are you looking for a reliable and professional housing provider in Trafford? Look no further than Trafford Housing Trust, a leading not-for-profit organization that provides affordable and quality homes to residents in the area. If you`re considering renting a property from the Trust, it`s crucial to read and understand the tenancy agreement thoroughly.

The tenancy agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of your tenancy with Trafford Housing Trust. It`s a vital document that protects both you and the Trust and sets out your rights and responsibilities as a tenant.

So, what can you expect from the Trafford Housing Trust tenancy agreement? Here are some essential details you need to know:

Rent and Payment

The agreement will specify the amount of rent you`ll pay, how often you need to pay it, and the method of payment. It`s critical to ensure that you understand the due dates and methods of payment to avoid any delays or late fees.

Duration of Tenancy

The tenancy agreement will outline the length of the tenancy, and whether it`s for a fixed term or a periodic term. If you`re unsure about the length of your tenancy, it`s crucial to clarify this with the Trust before signing the agreement.

Repairs and Maintenance

The agreement should detail who is responsible for repairs and maintenance of the property. As a tenant, you`re usually responsible for minor repairs, such as changing light bulbs and replacing fuses. The Trust will be responsible for more significant repairs, such as fixing the roof or plumbing.

Ending the Tenancy

The agreement will provide instructions on how to end the tenancy. If you`re thinking of leaving the property, you`ll need to provide notice to the Trust in writing. The agreement should specify how much notice is required, usually one month or longer.


It`s essential to know whether you`re allowed to sublet the property, as this is usually not permitted without the Trust`s permission. If you`re found to be subletting the property without permission, this could result in legal action being taken against you.

Breaches of the Agreement

The agreement will outline the consequences of breaching the agreement. The Trust may take legal action against you if you don`t pay rent on time, cause damage to the property or cause a disturbance to your neighbors.

In conclusion, the Trafford Housing Trust tenancy agreement is a crucial document that sets out your rights and responsibilities as a tenant. It`s essential to read and understand the agreement before signing it to avoid any misunderstandings or legal issues. If you have any questions or concerns about the agreement, don`t hesitate to contact the Trust for clarification.